Twins vs. Ancients

Twins vs. Ancients is a classic 1st person 3d dungeon crawler made during the Dungeon Crawler Jam 2024 in a timespan of 9 days.


  • The game breaking bug is fixed (among others).
  • Tamed "Jil" endless banter.
  • Added more combat feedback.
  • Increased texture size of some textures (to the max allowed size by Itch).
  • removed two unused stats (Luck & Charisma).
  • Some quality of life additions (compass).
  • Some progress on the vendor but it is still not functional.
  • Increased movement speed of mobs.
  • Small changes to potions etc....

How do the stats work?

  • Stammina increases your hit points (1 STA = 10 HP)
  • Strength increases your attack power and your parry chance (1 STR = 2 AP)
  • Agility increases your crit change and dodge chance
  • Intellect increase your mana (1 INT = 15 MP) and your spell power (1 INT = 2 SP)
  • Wisdom increases your passive HP and MP regeneration at 120s / WIS = 1 HP & 1 MP


  • Jake's main hand deals physical damage, increased by this attack power.
  • Jake's off hand skill generates a protective aura that reduces all incoming damage, increased by STR.
  • Jil's main hand attack deals magical damage, increased by her spell power.
  • Jil's off hand heals the entire party, increased by spell power.


You play a party of two twins, brother and sister. While you where traveling cross country you came across a  village. Since the night was about to begin you decided to visit the village. The village was kind of odd and very silent. You came across a strange guy who told you that almost all villagers are missing and that the ancient ruins near the back of the village may have something to do with that. He asks you to investigate the ruins and recover what ever there may be. He also mentions some vendor (not operational yet) in the village.


So you will go down the ancient ruins to face the cosmic horrors that lurk there, while you have to listen to the endless tirade of your sister. Sometimes you wish you where alone, don't you? As soon as you hit the first dungeon level you will receive and endless amount of XP, good eh?


Key Primary Alternative
Forward W Numpad 8
Backward S Numpad 2
Strafe left A Numpad 4
Strafe right D Numpad 6
Turn left 90° Q Numpad 7
Turn right 90° E Numpad 9
Interact Space Numpad 5
Toogle Instant step (only still standing)T
Show/Hide Character sheet and skill panelCI
Jake Mainhand attack + Attack Power + Crit
Cooldown:2.5s, Cost: n/a
1Numpad 1
Jake Offhand (Absorbs party damage for 12s based on his STR)
Cooldown: 30s CD, Cost: 10 Mana
2Numpad 3
Jil Mainhand attack deals holy damage + Spellpower + Crit
Cooldown: 3s, Cost:  10 Mana
3Numpad /
Jil Offhand heals the party based on her spell power
Cooldown 20s, Cost: 30 Mana
4Numpad *


Yes you can add skillpoints (initially and after each level up) just go to the inventory ("I" or "C" or click on a character portrait). To add a skill point click on the "+" button.


Copyright 2024 by Lutz Grosshennig

Created using a very early alpha version of my upcoming "Classic Dungeon Crawler Kit" for Unity.


Download 281 MB

Install instructions

Unzip and run the exe.


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Nice game, it just kinda surprised me when the battle just happens without any change in music or UI, I got attacked first because of that lol. I love the movement, it feels fast but not too fast. The graphics are good too

Bad thing about the game is that Jill just keeps talking, I know this is how the game is intended to be played but I wish there's a way to make her shut up XD

Yes, combat needs more feedback, you are right.

And Jill will get an update as well, after all I am the one who had to endure her the most :).

the game looks pretty good and it plays well. Small nitpicks:

  • I think the random dialog system can use more work i.e. the sister immediately start "you never listen to me" seconds into the game and she doesn't care when I am listening to another npc
  • it feels disorienting to go through a hidden wall
  • enemies probably need a combat idle animation; one of them looks away constantly at the start of the idle animation.

I am not familiar with the genre but I feel like this can be a solid game with a good story and some polishes

Hey thanks for playing and the feedback.

Yes Jil is really annoying and talks over other people. Its just her insufferable personality. The jam was themed and two of the themes where "endless/infinity" and the other "Solitude". Part of my interpretation was to let her  give you an "endless" tirade so you would rather be alone then in her company. I agree that this did not work out to well and will be one of the first things to be removed in a post jam version.

Illusion walls are actually quiet common in this genre and part of an exploration process. A dungeon crawler is usually a mix of combat, puzzle solving and exploration. And yes there is lots of room for improvement but if you only have 9 days (actually less then 6 in my case) you need to prioritize.