
The Shattered Sigil of Harmony is a grid based dungeon crawler made during the Dungeon Crawler Jam 2023 #dcjam2023 hosted by

There is an HTML 5 version that you can play directly in the browser, or an Windows 64bit Version available for download. The WebGL export has some problems and reduced texture sizes. It is recommended to play the native Windows version.


There was an theme attached to the Jam: "Duality". The game follows the theme by require you to switch between two realities to finally meet the evil and reforge the sigil.


In the world of Cyronia, the Sigil of Harmony maintained balance and peace, uniting all beings in a state of perfect equilibrium. Yet, a sinister force, envious of this harmony, sought to disrupt it. Shattering the Sigil into two pieces - the Ring of Unity and the Ring of Duality - the malevolent power unleashed a rift in reality, causing the world to fracture into two parallel dimensions. As the Champion of Cyanida, you must embark on a perilous journey to recover the rings, reforge the Sigil of Harmony, and restore balance to the fractured realms of Cyronia.


ForwardWNumpad 8
BackwardSNumpad 2
Strafe leftANumpad 4
Strafe rightDNumpad 6
Turn left 90°QNumpad 7
Turn right 90°ENumpad 9
Attack/InteractSpaceNumpad 5
Healing potionLeft ctrlNumpad enter
Use the ring of DualityTabNumpad 0

If you choose to use the animated transistions pressing and holding the forward button will activate an automatic forward movement until you release the button.


At the start of a new game you can pick your boots. 

  • The boots of "Time compression" will give you instant tile movement, however any movement queuing will be disabled and only explicit key presses will move your character. 
  • The boots of the "Exploring Admirer" will enable animated transitions between tiles and queue your input. Queuing to many key presses will result in an "Stop it!" voice over.

You will receive the "Ring of Duality" that will enable you to switch between the two dimensions, but there is a small catch to it. The ring requires "Rift-Energy" so collecting this may help you progress towards the arch evil as they are slight differences between the realities.

Your task is to defeat the evil, claim the "Ring of Unity" and reforge the "Sigil of Harmony" once again. 


The game uses real time combat so you may be able to avoid taking damage by moving away from the enemy. However some attacks have an area of effect (AoE) component so you may take reduced damage depending on your distance and position. You also can interrupt the enemy attack if you time your attack accordingly but there is a cool down attached to this. Potions are on a cool down as well and so is your attack. Timing you attack and your movement can be used to reduce incoming damage.

Damage in general uses a damage range (min damage - max damage) so there is some randomness involved.


  • There are chests (some are hidden) containing healing potions.
  • If your path is blocked, maybe you should switch to the other reality to advance further.
  • Defeating an enemy will make you slightly stronger instead of granting XP (+1 max Damage).
  • The alternate reality contains an optional mini boss, defeating him will award full rift energy, 20% more HP and 25% more damage which can be very helpful to defeat the final boss.

Stretch goals for the jam (not implemented)

  1. Riddles, doors and traps. They all where postponed after the jam.
  2. You can use the Ring of Duality on enemies to switch souls with them, enabling you to open doors, sleep on trap doors triggers, drop special loot to the ground.
  3.  The look of the other dimension is completly different (open world instead of a dungeon).
  4.  You can pick the "Necklace of the third eye" which will enable a automap and visible healthbars and possibly other things. Or the "Necklace of the unseen" which will disable all helper functions for a more hardcore experience.
  5. More secrets/spinners/teleporters and fun stuff.
  6. Load & Save.
  7. An useable inventory system (pickup/drop)and equipable items with stats.
  8. Make the controls configurable.
  9. Everything else what it takes to make a good crawler but had to be cut out because of the time constrain.
  10. Options and overall better UI.



Download 258 MB

Install instructions

Just unzip the archive and run the executable. 

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