My entry for the Boss-Rush-Jam 2025 following the theme 'Spin'.
This game takes a new spin to the classic arcade 'Gyruss' just with bosses.
What's missing?
ModelsAmbient SoundPower Ups! (Weapons / Shields/...)Proper EnemiesMain Menu- More bosses
- Fighter waves
- Play testing :D
Using a controller is recommended but not required.
Keys | Action |
A/D | Rotate left/right |
Cursor left/right | Rotate left/right |
Space | Fire |
CTRL-F10, CTRL-F11 | FPS/Frametime debug overlay |
Function | Action |
Button left | Fire |
Controller (only XBox tested so far)
Function | Action |
Left Stick (left/right) | Rotate left/right |
X Button | Fire |
(I am kinda new to controllers, so I am open for a better layout).
Special thanks
I would like to thank my friend Jan Schulte (impmja) for encouraging me to attend the jam, for all the play testing the valuable feedback and all the great ideas I could not implement in time. If ever want to go 'nutz' on a mono wheel make sure you check out his awesome entry Mono Drifter https://impmja.itch.io/bossrushjam2025-monodrifter.
The SpinRuss logo was created using https:www.textstudio.com
Install instructions
Just unzip and run the executable. Note the .exe is not digitally signed (that does cost a lot of money), prompting Windows Smart-Screen. The version you are downloading here on itch.io does not contain malware. If you got it somewhere else you should be cautious as it could have been tempered with.
Just unzip it but since I build the Linux version using Windows (sorry about that) the executable does not has the execution bit set. You can fix that by changing into the directory and running
chmod +x ./SpinRuss-V17-Linux.x86_64
The name may change over time so it could change to SpinRuss-Vxy-Linux.x86_64 where xy is the current version of the game.
Development log
- SpinRuss Devlog Boss-Rush-Jam 202576 days ago
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Hey you weren't lying when you said you spin a lot! This game look great and feels very snappy! I think the first boss should have less health.
Thanks for playing! Yes, the boss seems to be a bit tanky at first but after you collect a couple of power up's (there a 6 levels of weapons and multiple fire rate upgrades) you will become MUCH more powerful. I wanted to have a noticeable fire power progression and I may have gone too far :)
not bad. The visuals are really nice even with placeholder models. The only problem is that it's too easy. I can simply stay still and hold fire to completely obliterate the enemies. Great work tho!
Thanks for playing and the kind feedback. To be quiet honest, there is no game play to speak off yet. Its merely to test some things. I do aim to release a new version every other day until the jam ends (2nd of February). So gameplay will starts rolling in the comming week. So expect some bosses, power ups and that you will take damage :)